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Friday 3 January 2020

The Lord's Prayer

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy Name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those
who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever. Amen

Psalm 91

Psalm 91

1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
    will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
    my God, in whom I trust.”

3 Surely he will save you
    from the fowler’s snare
    and from the deadly pestilence.

4 He will cover you with his feathers,
    and under his wings you will find refuge;
    his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

5 You will not fear the terror of night,
    nor the arrow that flies by day,

6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
    nor the plague that destroys at midday.

7 A thousand may fall at your side,
    ten thousand at your right hand,
    but it will not come near you.

8 You will only observe with your eyes
    and see the punishment of the wicked.

9 If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,”
    and you make the Most High your dwelling,

10 no harm will overtake you,
    no disaster will come near your tent.

11 For he will command his angels concerning you
    to guard you in all your ways;

12 they will lift you up in their hands,
    so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra;
    you will trample the great lion and the serpent.

14 “Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him;
    I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.

15 He will call on me, and I will answer him;
    I will be with him in trouble,
    I will deliver him and honor him.

16 With long life I will satisfy him
    and show him my salvation.”

Thursday 2 January 2020



(Negative Energy)
signs of negative energy in house
how to cleanse your home of negative energy with salt
how to remove negative energy from home with salt
how to detect negative energy in house
how to detect negative energy with a glass of water
how to get rid of bad energy in a person
how to remove negative energy from your aura

How to recognize negative energies:
1.When there are problems, confrontations, arguments, fights, hatred without reason in the air.
2.When you feel rejections or strange energies. Rejection from the loved one.
3.Constant sensation of weight, discouragement, most of the things we do go wrong.
4.Frequent relationship problems. Moisture in the walls of the house.
5.Our plants get sick and fade despite having the proper care.

House Cleansing Prayer
Prayers are a very effective way to connect with the spiritual realm. Angels are the spiritual characters that are always with you in time of need, help, guidance, and assistance. They have been with you since the time you were born and will remain with you till the day you breathe your last breath. To ensure your prayer is heard and answered, you need to start with good intent and a pure heart.
Tidying your house might make it look clean, but what about its energy? You need to learn how to remove negative energy from your home at a spiritual level. Your angels can guide you towards achieving this goal, meaning that you only have to ask to receive their help.Thus, you need to be very careful when making a prayer if you want it to be accepted.  To start your cleansing prayer, you need first to empty your mind and take a deep breath. Now, shift your awareness and make your prayer to the Angels:
‘’I call upon my Guardian Angel and other Angels to bless me with their light and love to fill my home, and my surrounding environment with the highest vibration of love, light, and divine frequency.
Oh, my Guardian Angel and other Angels, I call upon you to eradicate the negative energy that resides inside my house. I ask for help to cleanse my house and fill it with the positive energy of joy and happiness.
Thank you, for filling my entire home with your love and light. Let the light flow into every corner of every room, through every door, and every cabinet. Down, above, behind, and besides, spread the light everywhere.
Thank you for your support and help, thank you!’’

Negative energy is all around us and it may attach to us at any time if we don't protect ourselves. We may get it from the environment around us or even from another person. Bad energy can make our lives hard and not feel very good. Some of the ways that negative energy can attach to you is when you have bad feelings, such as depression, sadness, anger, fear, unhappiness, or other bad feelings. These may attach to your person and can cause these feelings to worsen and last even longer than they normally would. Sometimes, negative energy can even have a big impact on our health. Everything in the world must have a balance, so there must be negative energy where there is positive energy. All negative experiences help us learn and enjoy the positive experiences even more. There is no reason to be stuck with negative energies, however, though it may become attached to you if you do not take precautions or actions to get rid of it. When we are very stressed out of emotional we are more susceptible to negative energy attaching itself to our persons. When we go through a break-up, start a new job, or move somewhere, we should be extra careful of negative energy and of letting it consume us. Other people that we were in a close relationship with can also send us negative energy that may attach to us, whether they mean to or not. This is especially true during a bad breakup with a partner when the two of you have shared your energies and they have become entwined. Once you have broken up, however, you have to make sure to untangle your energies as theirs may start to have a negative impact on your life. You must get their energy released from you, and take yours back from them.
There are signs to watch out for if you think that negative energy has attached itself to you. There are many different situations that may point to negative energy affecting you, and each person may have unique circumstances with this. Look for anything that is not normal for you personally and that is negatively affecting your life. Notice if your mood changes for no good reason. When some of these situations below occur in a short period of time, such as in one day or within a week, then you should consider that perhaps you may have attracted some negative energy. Here are some of the most common ones. -Your phone may sound fuzzy even though you are talking somewhere that you usually get perfect service and can hear clearly. Your calls may be dropped for seemingly no reason. -You may be really sad for no reason even though you aren't normally depressed. -You may feel very tired out of nowhere and feel a strong urge to nap even though you have gotten plenty of sleep lately. -You might feel like you have the flu and your throat may feel sore but you are healthy and it is not flu season.
Note that negative energy is a lower form of energy that can make us feel sick. -You may have problems on your computer with logging in to programs online, such as your email, bank account, website account, etc. -You may not want to eat even though you feel hungry and usually always eat. -You may not feel like taking care of yourself even when you need to do something for yourself, such as drinking enough water when you are thirsty. -You may have emails that you send but hours later you get a return email saying that it could not go through for some reason. -You may lose a lot of stuff, such as your wallet, keys, or phone. You might accidentally lock your keys inside of the car or house. -You might have something you love stolen, when you usually have very good luck and watch over your stuff carefully. -You may start thinking in a very negative frame of mind even though you don't usually do this and are very positive. This could be on a past experience that you had previously gotten over, but for some reason you can't stop thinking about it again now. -You may start self-sabotaging yourself, such as spending too much money that you do not have, or spending all of your savings even though you originally had budgeted very carefully to save that up.

1. Use Smudging Stick To Remove Bad Energy
Smudging is a common technique used by many to get rid of negative energy, whether bad energy that has attached to your body or bad energy that is within an area, such as your home. The most common herb used for smudging is White Sage, but some of the other herbs that also work for this include Rosemary, Mugwart, Cedar, and Sweetgrass. To properly smudge, first light the smudge stick with a flame. Once it catches, blow it out so it is just smoking. Focus on your body first by circling your seven chakras and your whole aura, including the bottoms of your feet. Go through each chakra individually, and as you do, bring your arm away from that chakra like you're pulling the bad energy off of your body from that area. After you have smudged your body, go through the room you are in, or even better, go through your whole house. Let the smoke from the smudging stick permeate throughout the whole area, going into every crook and nanny in each room. Make sure that you even get under all of the furniture. Open windows so that the negative energies can leave the house. You can help this bad energy leave by focusing your intention on making this negative energy leave and visualize it floating out of the window. You can even use your voice or say it in your mind as a command for it to leave. You can smudge your computer if you are having problems with it, smudge your wallet if you have having financial problems, smudge your phone if you get bad energy from it, or anything else that you have. One of the signs of negative energy being attached to you is that electronics that you use will act up. As you smudge, make sure that you keep a plate or something under the stick so that you do not drop hot embers on the floor, which could be a fire hazard.

2. White Light Yourself; Protect Against Negative Energy
Using white light is another great option for getting rid of bad energy that may have attached itself to your body. All that you need for this is to have good visualization skills. You will visualize a bright white light that encompasses your whole body, from the top of your head down to your toes. See that light slowly getting brighter and creating a protection barrier around you. Imagine that nothing bad can get through this barrier. As you are visualizing this white light protection, you can either say a prayer, or you can ask for protection from your angels and spirit guides. Ask them to protect you from any and all bad energy that may cause you harm. You can also do this technique for others that you want to protect from negative energy, even your pets.

3. Play Drums Or Listen To Drum Music
Music gives off a vibration, and each of us also gives off a vibration. Other vibrations can affect our body's vibrations, which is why music can be so beneficial for us and for getting rid of bad energy. Playing drums or listening to drum music is a great way to remove negative energy from both your mind and body. The drumming will put you in a sort of trance and help you relax, enabling you to release that bad energy that has attached to your person. There are plenty of different styles of drumming music that you can find on YouTube, from African drumming to Native American drumming, or even shamanic style drumming music. Or, if you would prefer to do the drumming yourself, you can drum with your fingers and hands if you do not have an actual drum set.
4. Say A Protection Prayer Or Mantra
There are many protection prayers and mantras that you can say to dispel negative energy. Whichever one you choose to say, make sure that you say it out loud as this will give it the power that it needs. When you voice a prayer or mantra, you make certain vibrations that will in turn act against the negative energy. Choose a prayer or mantra that calls to you, or even make up one yourself. Make sure you state in it that you don't give permission to anything to enter your body, mind, spirit, soul, or even your energy field unless it is out of pure love. Voice that you break any agreements that you may have made otherwise. Command that any negative energy or people leave you and your energy field alone right now, that they do not have any power over you. Ask for protection from the Divine, or whatever higher source of power that you choose. Visualize a protection of white light surrounding yourself and keeping out any negative energies or entities, and thank any higher powers for helping you do this. You can repeat this protection prayer or mantra every morning and evening for extra power and protection. You could write it down and keep it on you at all times, or even in your car. You could write it on something and keep it right by your bed. This will all add protection against negative energies.

5. Burn Candles
Burning certain candles can repel negative energy from a room or your mind and body. White candles are great for getting rid of bad energy. Adding certain scents can also increase the power of getting rid of negative energy, such as lavender, cinnamon, or vanilla. Light a candle, however many you choose to, and set an intention that the flame of the candle will absorb any negative energies that may be holding onto you. See these bad energies melting away along with the candle wax. If you feel that you are holding a lot of negative energy, let a white candle burn all the way down until it goes out on its own. Once a candle that you have used for this purpose has completely burned out, throw it away or bury it in a yard. Make sure you are careful of where you buy your candle from, however, and make sure that wholesome ingredients are used.

6. Use Sea Salt To Get Rid Of Bad Energy
Sea salt is known for neutralizing negative energy. To take advantage of this, just take a bowl filled with water and add sea salt to it. Put this bowl in a corner of the room or underneath your bed, and it will capture any bad energies in the room or that come off of you. Make sure that you throw away this water every day and replace with fresh sea salt water. You can drain the water each day into the Earth's soil, as the earth will neutralize any negative energy.

7. Use Holy Water To Remove Attached Negativity
Holy water is said by many who are of certain faiths to work very well. Many believe that you can make the sign of the cross around the house and that will help you connect to the Divine, who will help get rid of any bad energy that is in the house or inside of your body or mind.


Haunted places in india

Haunted places
Most Haunted Places in India
Haunted places

The mysteries of the unknown have always fascinated the human mind. It’s not surprising for experts to say that India is a beautiful yet deliciously mysterious country that beholds the secrets and stories of a lot of palaces and their kings, of treasures and their keys, of those who died a painful death and are now a part of the broken synchrony that is a reality. Which is why a lot of forts or palaces or beaches or even a ‘just another’ valley in India has a twist of mystery attached to it and are considered some of the most haunted places in India.
If you are one of those who love to turn the pages long sealed and kept hidden from the human eye, if the word ‘supernatural‘ gives you an adrenalin rush, you, my friend, like me and many others, are someone who likes to push the boundaries a little and take a peek into what’s happening in the strange, mysterious world out there. This post is for all the travellers who are done with the monotony of life and are looking forward to exploring the most haunted places in India.
Here’s a list of the 47 most haunted places in India:

1. Bhangarh Fort, Rajasthan

The ghost town of Bhangarh is one of the scariest, spookiest places you could possibly imagine, not to mention, one of the most haunted places in India. Situated near a popular forest, this town is now slowly luring visitors from around the area, and country, for all the wrong reasons.
It should be noted that if you decide to visit this place after the sun has gone down, you won’t be allowed to. In fact, there is a strict warning about how dangerous this place becomes after sunset.
The story which this town is well-known for tells the tale of a magician who fell in love with the local princess of the area even though their match was impossible. Being quite the master of dark magic, he decided to cast a spell on her to make her surrender to him. However, the princess learned of his plans and found a way to kill him. Before his death, however, the magician cast a dark spell on the palace which caused its doom.
Despite Bhangarh Fort being regarded as one of the most horror haunted places in India has been officially promoted as a tourist destination. However, once the night falls and the darkness takes over, this place becomes deserted, leaving it prey to the supposed ‘supernatural’. 

2. Kuldhara Village, Rajasthan

The village of Kuldhara is popularly known to be a deserted ghost village that has been abandoned since the 1800s. It is said to carry a curse of the villagers who vanished from there overnight, after having lived there for over 7 centuries.

The village lies in ruins, established in 1291 by the Paliwal Brahmins, who were a very prosperous clan and were known for their business acumen and agricultural knowledge. It has been said that one night in 1825 all the people in Kuldhara and nearby 83 villages vanished in dark. All of a sudden and without any warning. Tales of this mystery include the fact that Salim Singh, the minister of the state, once visited this village and fell in love with the beautiful daughter of chieftain wanting to marry her. The minister threatened the villagers by saying that if they did not marry the girl to him, he would levy huge taxes. The chief of the village along with those of adjoining villages decided to abandon and migrate elsewhere to protect the girl’s honour. Nobody saw them leave nor did anyone figure where they went, they simply vanished making this a haunted place in India. It is said that the villagers also cast a spell on the village as they left, cursing anyone who tried to inhabit the land.

3. Jamali-Kamali Masjid, Delhi

Sharing its boundaries with the Qutub Minar, this archaeological site has more glory to it for its haunted stories. There are numerous tales about the Jinns which are believed to reside within the walls of Jamali- Kamali. People are scared to visit the place with the number of unexplainable phenomena, while few stay here at night to experience the same. There are instances of people sighting apparitions, lights, animals growling and even the eerie feeling of someone’s breath on your neck. Imagine someone closely watching you from behind the pillars but disappear in a wisp of air as you approach them.
As per the Islamic Legends, Jinns live in a parallel universe to that of humans. It is believed that God made humans out of sand and Jinns out of the fire. Hence they have their world of existence and also the power to cross worlds. Sometimes, they never leave and decides to stay at abandoned places, and when troubled by human presence, they hurt people who visit the masjid. Hence, the best ever paranormal activity people experienced is getting slapped by an invisible force. (jokes apart).

4. Ramoji Film City , Hyderabad

Being one of the biggest film cities in the country, this place is home to a lot of hotels which have been projected to a lot of controversies because of the reported “supernatural activities” in and around them.
Witnesses report the lights kept on top keep falling off, the light men- who sit with the lights on top have been pushed so many times and many have had grievous injuries. The food left in rooms also get scattered around the room and strange marks are left on the mirrors. Females are more targeted by ghosts than males. Girls reported an invisible force tearing their clothes off, some said they felt someone knock their washroom doors while the rooms remain locked from the inside. They create havoc. Many preventive measures have been taken but in vain. 

5. Jatinga, Assam

Having a population of around 2500, this village is popular worldwide for its unexplained phenomenon of bird suicides. Most of the migratory birds visiting the area never leave the village, dropping dead for no rhyme or reason on the streets. The case gets even more inscrutable as these birds always plummet to their death between 06:00 p.m. to 09:30 p.m. on the moonless nights of September and October.
These mass suicides only occur on a specific 1 mile by 600 feet strip of land and this phenomenon is said to have occurred year after year without a break for more than a century. Many theories have been offered by scientists to explain this phenomenon, the most popular one being that these birds are attracted towards village lights which later confuse them, along with many others. None of them has yet been able to prove any of the theories behind this phenomenon though, which is why it continues to haunt and intrigue the minds of the residents and travellers just the same.

6. Mukesh Mills, Mumbai

For those of you who have watched the Shah Rukh Khanstarrer “Om Shanti Om”, this story may sound oddly familiar. Mukesh Textile Mills was established by the East India Company in the 1870s. The mill was shut down in 1980 after a sudden fire outbreak. This abandoned haunted place in India serves as an excellent location for shooting Bollywood horror movies. However, some directors, as well as actors, refuse to shoot here after experiencing paranormal activities.

7. The Shaniwarwada Fort,  Pune

Known for its sheer architectural brilliance, this fort has witnessed various spooky occurrences. It is believed that the level of supernatural activity is on its zenith on every full moon night. The mysterious story behind the strange activities suggests that a young prince was brutally murdered here which is maybe why his spirit haunts the place and when the night falls, sounds of him shrieking can be heard. There are many locals who actually camp at night on the fort grounds just to hear the little boy’s scream.
It is preferable to visit the fort during day hours since the fort is deserted at night except for maybe a caretaker. Visit this place at your own risk as this would definitely be one of the most haunted places in India.

8. GP Block, Meerut

GP Block in Meerut is also very notoriously known for all the paranormal activity it beholds. Despite being a popular zone, there have been reported a lot of strange sightings. For instance, people who pass this place claim to have seen four males sitting together and enjoying an alcoholic beverage by the light of a single candle. At first, this was not considered spooky for it could just be four friends having a good time but once it was established that it was indeed four ghosts, people in and around the area became increasingly interested. In addition, some claim to also witness a young girl coming out of the house in what many people believe to be a red dress. With time people have abandoned that place for obvious reasons but it continues to catch the fancy of those who love checking off haunted places in India off their checklist.

9. Dumas Beach, Surat, Gujarat

Situated along the Arabian Sea in Gujarat, this beach is known for its black sand and mystical activities. Many unexplainable and puzzling incidents have been known to occur like strange whispers being heard, people disappearing at night etc.
In fact, it is believed that a lot of people have lost their lives exploring this mysterious beauty. If you are a brave heart, you can test the waters yourself by taking a midnight stroll along the beach, if you have company. If the testimonies are anything to go by, you will also be greeted by warnings asking you to not cross a certain line while on the beach. It is also believed that this beach was for long used as a Hindu burial ground, therefore, is the resting place of tortured souls. There have also been reports of people disappearing mysteriously and having never been found again. However, if you still feel you would want to go for it then by all means. If you love visiting haunted places in India you would definitely have the time of your life.

10. The Vrindavan Society, Thane

Considered to be of the most famous housing societies of Thane, this society is also home to a bit of paranormal. Many of its residents and night watchers have experienced what may only be termed as strange and bewildering. This society, however, doesn’t look like it is a haunted place, in fact, it was known for its luxurious apartments.
Anyway, it has been reported that there was once a man who lived in the society who happened to commit suicide. His spirit is said to haunt the society once the hours turn dark. In fact, the night guards have witnessed a lot of strange activities which have also included a guard getting slapped in the face with such force that he nearly toppled from his chair. Immediately afterwards both the guards searched the whole society and they could not find anyone around.
This incident instilled fear in the minds of the residents who are careful not to enter the society too late in the night. However, the housing society still remains occupied even though the paranormal activities continue to haunt the residents and guards.

11. Raj Kiran Hotel, Lonavala, Maharashtra

This haunted place in India is a hotel and was reported to be one of the hit zones as far as the “supernatural” is concerned. Residents of one particular room in this hotel claimed to have their bed sheets pulled over and stayed put in such state long after they’d leave the bed in a scare. Some people recount having woken up in the middle of dark nights with a ray of blue light at their feet. This room is in the corner and on the backside of the reception on the ground floor itself.

12. D’Souza Chawl, Mahim, Mumbai

Owing to D’Souza Chawl, Mahim has acquired the status of being the most haunted place in Mumbai. It is said that a woman fell into the water and died crying for help in the well. Probably that is why most people say that they’ve witnessed a woman lurking around the well and the nearby area.

13. Sanjay Van, New Delhi

Sanjay Van is a huge forest area spread over around 10 kms. People have reported having seen a lady dressed in a white saree appearing and disappearing suddenly around the cremation ground near that area. No wonder this area is regarded as the most haunted place in Delhi. Make sure that you are not alone here, especially after the dark.

14. Dow Hill, Kurseong, Darjeeling

Dow Hill might not be a very sought after place but is definitely one of the most haunted places in India. The Dow Hill Boarding School for Girls is very well known for spooky activities bordering on the paranormal. There have been reports talking of ghost sightings. Also, the forest that surrounds the school is considered to be haunted. In fact, many woodsmen who visit the forest have reported seeing a headless boy who suddenly appears and then disappears into the forests. Legend has it that there were innumerable murders which took place in this forest area. That says more than required on the matter.

15. The Brij Raj Bhavan Palace, Kota, Rajasthan

The Brij Raj Bhavan Palace in Kota should definitely be on your list being one of the most ‘ghostly’ places in India. This old palace converted into a heritage hotel is apparently haunted by a British ghost who was killed during the Revolt of 1857. There are some who also add that Major Burton (the ghost) along with his sons was shot right inside the palace and therefore, he haunts the place. In fact, in this palace, considered by many as one of the most haunted places in India, the ghost of the Major doesn’t really harm anyone, but the night guards claim to have been slapped by an invisible hand in the middle of the night

16. Agrasen ki Baoli, New Delhi

An Ancient Step Well situated right in the heart of central Delhi takes you by surprise if you are out on the streets for a walk. Ironically, it is actually quite impossible to miss having a unique blend of architecture with a signature design known to have existed only centuries ago. Although there are no known historical records to prove who built the beautifully designed step well, it is under the protection of ASI for being a rare historical specimen, one of its kinds.
It is not known for any kind of supernatural activities but for its mystic feel and the hearsay stories about how some felt like they were being followed by an invisible somebody and the intensity of the same increased if they started walking faster. This is definitely something you need to experience first hand to really believe it.

17. Bengal Swamps, West Bengal

Aleya lights also known as marsh ghost lights are the unexplainable ghost lights reported in the marshes generally by the local fishermen. These lights are said to confuse fishermen causing them to lose their bearing. It may lead to drowning if one starts following these lights moving over the marshes. Many bodies have washed ashore on these swamps that locals attribute to Aleya lights. Residents believe that these strange hovering marsh-lights are in fact ghost-lights representing the ghosts of a fisherman who died fishing. Sometimes they confuse the fishermen while sometimes they help them avoid future dangers.

18. Fernhill Hotel, Ooty

Fernhill Hotel, which is now shut down after re-occurrence of haunting events, gained much name after spooky incidents during the shooting of movie Raaz.  “Once Sarojji and her troupe checked in late at night and were kept awake by someone rearranging the furniture in the room above. The dancers who had an early morning shoot tried calling reception but the phone was dead. Desperate for sleep, some went down to complain, only to have the receptionist escort them outside and point upwards to show that there was no floor above” Said Bipasha.

19. National Library, Kolkata

Besides the rich collection of books, The National Library, Kolkata is also known for its ghost stories. At the time of its renovation, twelve labours lost their lives in an accident.  The stories of an unnatural death of a student while searching books and lot more. The guards often fear to take up the nights shifts. It is also said that the footsteps of the Governor’s wife can be still heard.

20. South Park Cemetry, Kolkata

Its one of the oldest cemetery build in the year 1767. Many people have reported that they have seen a shadow in a white dress and some even fell ill after visiting this haunted place.

21. Writers Building, Kolkata

The new Writers Building is constructed inside the old fort after the first one got demolished a natural disaster. It is believed that the spirit of Captain Simpson of British East India Company, who was killed by the revolutionaries Binay, Badal and Dinesh, still resides in the building. People residing in the nearby premises often hear the footsteps and voices after its dark.

22. Bombay Supreme Court

A tortured, vengeful soul is believed to haunt every unknown entity in the corridor restricting their entry. This happened since last 30 years whenever a murder trial is taking place.

23. Delhi Cantonment Area

The lonely stretch of road in Delhi Cantonment
Usually considered as a beautifully clean and green space, Delhi cantonment area is also known as haunted place its spookiness after midnight. People talk about a woman in white saree, often asking for a lift, sometimes even chasing the vehicle and catching up its speed.

24. Towers of Silence, Mumbai

It is actually a Parsi cemetery situated near the Malabar Hills. Parsi’s have the ritual of leaving the bodies of their dead on the rooftop of a tower to be fed by the vultures. Even the imagination of those scenes would bring shivers to your body. It is also believed that the paranormal incidents occurring in Grand Pararri Towers in Mumbai happen due to the spectral forces emanating from this cemetery.

25. Three Kings Church, Goa

It is famous for its paranormal activities experience by many locals and also by the GRIP team of Indian Paranormal Society. It is believed that the spirits of three kings (who fought over the property of this church and eventually killed each other) roam around on the premises.

26. The Lambi Dehar Mines, Mussoorie

It is considered as one of the most haunted places in India. The mines were shut after half a million workers died coughing blood due to improper mining conditions. Locals believe that the place has turned into a home for a witch who walks down the hills at night and has claimed many lives. Rapid occurrences of accidents and unusual deaths have also made this place rank amongst the spookiest places in the country.Haunted Places in Uttarakhand

27. Kalpalli Cemetery, Bangalore

Alternatively known as St. John’s Cemetery and located on the Old Madras Road, this place is as spooky as they come. Sighting of ghosts has often been reported by a passerby and curious onlookers,  particularly of a man like figure lurking about on the premises. A stroll on a dark night is sure to send a shiver down your spine. Definitely not for the faint of heart.

28. The Mansion, Residency Road, Pune

This old and dilapidated ruin of a house is scary enough to look at, leave alone venturing over there. According to the local tales, this place is haunted by an evil old lady. Errie sounds, manic laughter and blood-curdling screams are often heard late at night and easily makes it one of the most haunted places in India.  The locals dread the place and advice against going there. Some might just accept that as a challenge.

29. House Number W-3, Greater Kailash, New Delhi

This place and the story behind it seems to be straight out of a horror flick. A few years ago an elderly helpless couple were murdered in cold blood in their own home. The house has since fallen to ruin but has retained its original occupants in some form or so the stories suggest. Muffled laughter, soft whispering and strange voices are heard every now and then. All this has cast a spell of fear and made this one of the most haunted places in India.

30. Vas Villa, St. Marks Road, Bangalore

This place has a tragic and violent past. The place belonged to the Vas family and was occupied by Doice Vas and Vera Vas, the two daughters of the renowned lawyer, Mr Vas. On the day in 2001, Doice was stabbed to death in her own home by an unknown assailant. She was later buried there as well and Vera moved out after some time. The place is in ruins and has been haunted ever since and the spirit of Doice is supposed to still linger in the hallways. Multiple teams scouting for paranormal activities have confirmed the presence of negative energy and disturbances.

31. Khairatabad Science College, Hyderabad

There is an old inconspicuous Tarapuri Building, just off the Khairtabad flyover which used to be a science college. The building fell to ruin and was abandoned, but the dead bodies in the biology labs were not disposed of properly. People who pass by at night have often sighted walking skeletons, sparks and disturbing noises. A guard was stationed there by the Government but he died mysteriously, adding to the scariness of the place. Locals avoid this place and believe it to be one of the most haunted in the country.

32. Tunnel 33, Shimla

Tunnel number 33 is the longest tunnel on the Shimla-Kalka railway stretch, situated next to the Barog Train Halt. Often claimed to be the straightest tunnel in the world, this feat of engineering has an interesting history. The task of construction was given to a British engineer named Captain Barog who failed to complete it. He was later fired from the job, mocked and driven to depression. One day he went into the tunnel and shot himself.
The tunnel was completed by someone else but named after him. Apparently, his ghost still haunts the tunnel but is a friendly one. Locals also recount seeing a woman run screaming into the tunnel and a man asking for matchsticks to light his cigarette. Tunnels are inherently eerie places and a story like this is sure to make it one of the most haunted ones.

33. Chandan Nagar, Pune

The small colony of Chandan Nagar in Pune has a little terror hidden in its womb. The ghost of a little girl who roams the night in a white frock, cradling a doll in her hands! She appears at the stroke of the midnight hour and comes screaming at you if you happen to cross her path. The very description is enough to make you jump out of your skin. There is the story behind this. About 10 years ago the girl was killed at a construction site and has haunted the place since then. People have reported that she smiles at you if you look at her. This is good fodder for a nightmare, leave alone venturing to find her. Or should you?

34. Taj Mahal Hotel, Mumbai

From its grand architecture to the attacks of 26/11, Taj Mahal Hotel had always been a sense of pride and talk of the entire nation. There’s always been a misconception that the hotel was constructed back-to-front and the courtyard faces inwards. The reality was that Taj was built facing the harbour by the instruction of Tata as he wanted the rooms to look out to the sea. (a practice that’s quite uncommon in India). However, as per the rumours, W.A chambers, the chief architect of the hotel, for the perfectionist he is, jumped to his death from the 5th floor of the Taj. People apparently gossip about an apparition that roams through the corridors of the Hotel. It is believed to be the ghost of Chambers, who is guarding the only thing he loved. The staffs have also reported strange sightings at the old wing, where they still hear the faint voice of Chambers lamenting his misfortune.

35. Grand Paradi Towers, Malabar Hills

The iconic towers at the Kemps corner were the most coveted location for affluent wealthy people of the city. But, sooner something else caught up the attention of the Paradi Towers. It turned out to be a tell-tale of haunted stories with most of its flats abandoned by the owners and unexpected mishaps within the compound. With successions of suicides, the tower became infamous with time. So what’s the secret that’s concealed behind the 20 and more suicide cases reported since 1998? Nobody knows. Although Grand Paradi is a haunting story, with the rise in the number of suicides, the residents were even counselled at one point in time but in vain.

36. Lothian Cemetery, Delhi

Dreaded as one of the most haunted cemeteries in India, Lothian Cemetery revolves around many ghost stories. Earlier a burial ground of Muslims, the cemetery was taken over by the British to bury their sepoys and to do this, they did something inhuman. Digging out hundreds of dead bodies from the graves to replace them with the ones of British soldiers. With ghost hauntings since then, the most famous story is the one of Sir Nicolas who shot himself over a heartbreak. Nicolas fell in love with an Indian woman who apparently rejected him, unable to deal with the pain he took over his own life. People talk about sighting a ghostly apparition of a headless man moving around the burial ground. They have also seen a boy desperately searching for something who mysteriously disappears when approached. These and many tell-tales haunt the mysterious graveyard till today.

37. Feroz Shah Kotla, Delhi

In the niches of these stone walls amidst the ruins, resides Jinns who are believed to be wish-granting spirits. Unlike humans, they are shapeless living at abandoned places and can ‘live’ for many years. Locals are seen lighting candles and incense sticks to please the jinns. Sometimes, they even keep a bowl of fruits, milk, and grains to appease them. Mentally disabled people are often seen coming here to find solace. According to the legends, Jinns were cast away by Allah because they refused to bow before Adam. These turned out to be evil spirits who apparently haunts the earth and prey on young women and children, especially if they are left unguarded at midnight hours or even drying their hair on the rooftop.

38. Gujarat Technological University (GTU) Campus, Ahmedabad

Little did they know that along with their new campus came in an uninvited guest. The officials and staff of GTU have their share of stories to validate this. According to few security men, the A-Wing of the building houses an unnatural being that bangs on tables and desks at odd hours. As they approached and shouted the noises stopped, and everything was back to normal like it never happened. The security supervisor happened to see a door at A3 wing open and close by itself. He even heard a women wailing in C Wing, and suddenly the empty lifts of the building went up four floors and descended. It was reported that a peon who decided to stay back to unveil the truth, was lying unconscious the next day in the C wing. There are other stories of people who have felt the presence of a woman in the lift. One such story is of Jignesh Shah who took the lift one evening at 5 pm, after a strange feeling of a presence beside him, the man has turned out to be mentally disturbed and hasn’t spoken a word since then

39. Parsi Graveyard, Nagpur

Ask anyone in Nagpur, and you will hear the same thing, Parsi Graveyard is the home to the devil. The people looking for some supernatural experience have tried visiting it and haven’t got up for a week or two. Almost every visitor reports an eerie sound followed by a manifestation of what is believed to be a human-like spirit. Now those people just have stories. For some, a warning is enough, but others will go and test their will, but is it enough?
People came for some thrill, something fun, but what they have are the creepy sounds clear in their heads which may join them to their graves.

40. Sindhrot, Near Ahmedabad

A little away from Ahmedabad is Sindhrot, a small town where the locals claim of seeing visions that haunt their nights. Individuals have witnessed a lady clad in a white kurta with disoriented facial structure walking the roads of the town. Several visitors have reported that they hear someone whispering in their ears to go back and never set their foot back in the town. The paranormal activities happening around the place has scared visitors as well as the local crowd.

41. Avadh Palace, Rajkot

Avadh Palace is a large mansion, located in Rajkot and is believed to be owned by an NRI, although no one is really sure. It is unoccupied and locals do not venture anywhere close to it. Local people believe that a girl was raped by a group of men, murdered and then burnt in this building. Her ghost is believed to haunt this huge mansion. No one dares to visit this place at night, be it alone or with a company. So horrifying and frightening!

42. Bara Imambara, Lucknow

The architectural beauty of Mughal period, Bara Imambara is a magnificent building that is known for its Mughal architecture, it is one of the grandest beauty of Lucknow. Bara Imambara is also famous for its bizarre mazes that can eat any man up if he decides to explore the place without any guides. The construction of the monument began in 1785 when the city was hit by severe famine. The main objective behind the construction of the monument was to provide employment to the people. Due to the major famine, the place has been a number of deaths of the innocent men, women, and children, the ghosts of whom can still be seen in the amusing mazes of the place. Many people who had entered the confusing mazes of the place had never returned back to their homes. The ‘Tehkhana’ built in the premises of the edifice was used by Britishers during their rule to lock up the Indians. The walls of mysterious ‘Tehkhana’ still holds the haunting images of innocent people losing their close family members. Many visitors have also captured some mysterious images hanging around inside the premises of the huge building.

43. Golconda Fort, Andhra Pradesh

The Kakatiyas ruled Andhra Pradesh in the 13th century and built the Golkonda Fort. Taramati, the queen of the king is said to haunt he palace after her death along with her husband, who are buried in the fort. An ex-courtesan, her ghost still walks and dances in the palace at night. Screams and howls in pain are also heard at the fort at night. Some have even reportedly seen images hung upside-down on the walls of the fort.

44. Khooni Nadi, Rohini (New Delhi)

A stretch of the water body which sucks you inside. A river which gulps down all those who dare to go inside its conspiring waters. This river in Delhi’s Rohini does precisely that. The reason it got its name thus. See any similarities between the water body and Bermuda Triangle?

45. National Library, Alipore – A Haunting in Kolkata!

People reading alone in the library have felt the presence of someone breathing down their neck; this is what people say about The National Library in Kolkata. This happens, even more, when they do not keep a book in place from where they took it from. It is also said that sounds of footsteps are heard near them. Apart from being the largest library in India, this spookiness in this library makes it one of the most haunted places in Kolkata.  There are many stories which connect to these supernatural events taking place. Some believe that it is the ghost of the wife of Lord Metcalfe who keeps roaming in the halls. The librarians working there have also complained that they have felt their chairs being drawn away, books being dropped down and pages rifled. If ghosts who enjoy a good laugh and good books could easily be your favourite kind of ghosts, consider visiting this mysterious library!
Another eerie secret of this place opened when a mysterious room was discovered in this 250-year-old building that nobody knew about. Nobody could even enter the room as there was no opening, not even trapdoors. There have been so many supernatural activities in the library that one would not even find a guard during the night shift. Who wants to risk his life, right? If you wish to feel the spookiness, this place is a must visit!

46. Holkar Bridge, Pune

If you’re the ‘late night-long drive’ type, then this bridge is the perfect road to drive down at night. A number of mysterious deaths have left the locals dumbfounded and obviously a little scared. Several ghost sightings in the area have made this one of the most haunted places in Pune. Want a taste of fear? Then venture here; but after dark, only!
There is a spot just under the Howrah Bridge which is near the Mullick Ghat flower market which is believed to be a centre for various paranormal activities in Kolkata. The wrestlers who practice in that area on a daily basis claim that they see flailing hands in the river and they are not sure whether those hands are of human beings or some spirits playing tricks with them.  People believe that there are the spirits of those people who lost their lives in the Ganges- either by committing suicide or by drowning. Some people also recall the incident of witnessing a lady in white, sobbing and calling their name in a nasal tone which lures them into a state of trauma or to their deaths. You try to save the apparitions, you might end up losing your life!

47. Karikattu Kuppam, Chennai

The destructive 2004 Tsunami waves caused serious disaster, washing away this area of Tamil Nadu. Early and untimely deaths lead to wandering souls and haunted spirits. This place is one of the most haunted places of Chennai, known for strange paranormal activities. The spirit of an old man and a child are common sightings of Karikattu Kuppam. The dual ghost sightings have given many people a scare and are terrified beyond their wits to ever visit this place. This one is not meant for the faint of hearts!