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Thursday, 2 January 2020



(Negative Energy)
signs of negative energy in house
how to cleanse your home of negative energy with salt
how to remove negative energy from home with salt
how to detect negative energy in house
how to detect negative energy with a glass of water
how to get rid of bad energy in a person
how to remove negative energy from your aura

How to recognize negative energies:
1.When there are problems, confrontations, arguments, fights, hatred without reason in the air.
2.When you feel rejections or strange energies. Rejection from the loved one.
3.Constant sensation of weight, discouragement, most of the things we do go wrong.
4.Frequent relationship problems. Moisture in the walls of the house.
5.Our plants get sick and fade despite having the proper care.

House Cleansing Prayer
Prayers are a very effective way to connect with the spiritual realm. Angels are the spiritual characters that are always with you in time of need, help, guidance, and assistance. They have been with you since the time you were born and will remain with you till the day you breathe your last breath. To ensure your prayer is heard and answered, you need to start with good intent and a pure heart.
Tidying your house might make it look clean, but what about its energy? You need to learn how to remove negative energy from your home at a spiritual level. Your angels can guide you towards achieving this goal, meaning that you only have to ask to receive their help.Thus, you need to be very careful when making a prayer if you want it to be accepted.  To start your cleansing prayer, you need first to empty your mind and take a deep breath. Now, shift your awareness and make your prayer to the Angels:
‘’I call upon my Guardian Angel and other Angels to bless me with their light and love to fill my home, and my surrounding environment with the highest vibration of love, light, and divine frequency.
Oh, my Guardian Angel and other Angels, I call upon you to eradicate the negative energy that resides inside my house. I ask for help to cleanse my house and fill it with the positive energy of joy and happiness.
Thank you, for filling my entire home with your love and light. Let the light flow into every corner of every room, through every door, and every cabinet. Down, above, behind, and besides, spread the light everywhere.
Thank you for your support and help, thank you!’’

Negative energy is all around us and it may attach to us at any time if we don't protect ourselves. We may get it from the environment around us or even from another person. Bad energy can make our lives hard and not feel very good. Some of the ways that negative energy can attach to you is when you have bad feelings, such as depression, sadness, anger, fear, unhappiness, or other bad feelings. These may attach to your person and can cause these feelings to worsen and last even longer than they normally would. Sometimes, negative energy can even have a big impact on our health. Everything in the world must have a balance, so there must be negative energy where there is positive energy. All negative experiences help us learn and enjoy the positive experiences even more. There is no reason to be stuck with negative energies, however, though it may become attached to you if you do not take precautions or actions to get rid of it. When we are very stressed out of emotional we are more susceptible to negative energy attaching itself to our persons. When we go through a break-up, start a new job, or move somewhere, we should be extra careful of negative energy and of letting it consume us. Other people that we were in a close relationship with can also send us negative energy that may attach to us, whether they mean to or not. This is especially true during a bad breakup with a partner when the two of you have shared your energies and they have become entwined. Once you have broken up, however, you have to make sure to untangle your energies as theirs may start to have a negative impact on your life. You must get their energy released from you, and take yours back from them.
There are signs to watch out for if you think that negative energy has attached itself to you. There are many different situations that may point to negative energy affecting you, and each person may have unique circumstances with this. Look for anything that is not normal for you personally and that is negatively affecting your life. Notice if your mood changes for no good reason. When some of these situations below occur in a short period of time, such as in one day or within a week, then you should consider that perhaps you may have attracted some negative energy. Here are some of the most common ones. -Your phone may sound fuzzy even though you are talking somewhere that you usually get perfect service and can hear clearly. Your calls may be dropped for seemingly no reason. -You may be really sad for no reason even though you aren't normally depressed. -You may feel very tired out of nowhere and feel a strong urge to nap even though you have gotten plenty of sleep lately. -You might feel like you have the flu and your throat may feel sore but you are healthy and it is not flu season.
Note that negative energy is a lower form of energy that can make us feel sick. -You may have problems on your computer with logging in to programs online, such as your email, bank account, website account, etc. -You may not want to eat even though you feel hungry and usually always eat. -You may not feel like taking care of yourself even when you need to do something for yourself, such as drinking enough water when you are thirsty. -You may have emails that you send but hours later you get a return email saying that it could not go through for some reason. -You may lose a lot of stuff, such as your wallet, keys, or phone. You might accidentally lock your keys inside of the car or house. -You might have something you love stolen, when you usually have very good luck and watch over your stuff carefully. -You may start thinking in a very negative frame of mind even though you don't usually do this and are very positive. This could be on a past experience that you had previously gotten over, but for some reason you can't stop thinking about it again now. -You may start self-sabotaging yourself, such as spending too much money that you do not have, or spending all of your savings even though you originally had budgeted very carefully to save that up.

1. Use Smudging Stick To Remove Bad Energy
Smudging is a common technique used by many to get rid of negative energy, whether bad energy that has attached to your body or bad energy that is within an area, such as your home. The most common herb used for smudging is White Sage, but some of the other herbs that also work for this include Rosemary, Mugwart, Cedar, and Sweetgrass. To properly smudge, first light the smudge stick with a flame. Once it catches, blow it out so it is just smoking. Focus on your body first by circling your seven chakras and your whole aura, including the bottoms of your feet. Go through each chakra individually, and as you do, bring your arm away from that chakra like you're pulling the bad energy off of your body from that area. After you have smudged your body, go through the room you are in, or even better, go through your whole house. Let the smoke from the smudging stick permeate throughout the whole area, going into every crook and nanny in each room. Make sure that you even get under all of the furniture. Open windows so that the negative energies can leave the house. You can help this bad energy leave by focusing your intention on making this negative energy leave and visualize it floating out of the window. You can even use your voice or say it in your mind as a command for it to leave. You can smudge your computer if you are having problems with it, smudge your wallet if you have having financial problems, smudge your phone if you get bad energy from it, or anything else that you have. One of the signs of negative energy being attached to you is that electronics that you use will act up. As you smudge, make sure that you keep a plate or something under the stick so that you do not drop hot embers on the floor, which could be a fire hazard.

2. White Light Yourself; Protect Against Negative Energy
Using white light is another great option for getting rid of bad energy that may have attached itself to your body. All that you need for this is to have good visualization skills. You will visualize a bright white light that encompasses your whole body, from the top of your head down to your toes. See that light slowly getting brighter and creating a protection barrier around you. Imagine that nothing bad can get through this barrier. As you are visualizing this white light protection, you can either say a prayer, or you can ask for protection from your angels and spirit guides. Ask them to protect you from any and all bad energy that may cause you harm. You can also do this technique for others that you want to protect from negative energy, even your pets.

3. Play Drums Or Listen To Drum Music
Music gives off a vibration, and each of us also gives off a vibration. Other vibrations can affect our body's vibrations, which is why music can be so beneficial for us and for getting rid of bad energy. Playing drums or listening to drum music is a great way to remove negative energy from both your mind and body. The drumming will put you in a sort of trance and help you relax, enabling you to release that bad energy that has attached to your person. There are plenty of different styles of drumming music that you can find on YouTube, from African drumming to Native American drumming, or even shamanic style drumming music. Or, if you would prefer to do the drumming yourself, you can drum with your fingers and hands if you do not have an actual drum set.
4. Say A Protection Prayer Or Mantra
There are many protection prayers and mantras that you can say to dispel negative energy. Whichever one you choose to say, make sure that you say it out loud as this will give it the power that it needs. When you voice a prayer or mantra, you make certain vibrations that will in turn act against the negative energy. Choose a prayer or mantra that calls to you, or even make up one yourself. Make sure you state in it that you don't give permission to anything to enter your body, mind, spirit, soul, or even your energy field unless it is out of pure love. Voice that you break any agreements that you may have made otherwise. Command that any negative energy or people leave you and your energy field alone right now, that they do not have any power over you. Ask for protection from the Divine, or whatever higher source of power that you choose. Visualize a protection of white light surrounding yourself and keeping out any negative energies or entities, and thank any higher powers for helping you do this. You can repeat this protection prayer or mantra every morning and evening for extra power and protection. You could write it down and keep it on you at all times, or even in your car. You could write it on something and keep it right by your bed. This will all add protection against negative energies.

5. Burn Candles
Burning certain candles can repel negative energy from a room or your mind and body. White candles are great for getting rid of bad energy. Adding certain scents can also increase the power of getting rid of negative energy, such as lavender, cinnamon, or vanilla. Light a candle, however many you choose to, and set an intention that the flame of the candle will absorb any negative energies that may be holding onto you. See these bad energies melting away along with the candle wax. If you feel that you are holding a lot of negative energy, let a white candle burn all the way down until it goes out on its own. Once a candle that you have used for this purpose has completely burned out, throw it away or bury it in a yard. Make sure you are careful of where you buy your candle from, however, and make sure that wholesome ingredients are used.

6. Use Sea Salt To Get Rid Of Bad Energy
Sea salt is known for neutralizing negative energy. To take advantage of this, just take a bowl filled with water and add sea salt to it. Put this bowl in a corner of the room or underneath your bed, and it will capture any bad energies in the room or that come off of you. Make sure that you throw away this water every day and replace with fresh sea salt water. You can drain the water each day into the Earth's soil, as the earth will neutralize any negative energy.

7. Use Holy Water To Remove Attached Negativity
Holy water is said by many who are of certain faiths to work very well. Many believe that you can make the sign of the cross around the house and that will help you connect to the Divine, who will help get rid of any bad energy that is in the house or inside of your body or mind.


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