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Sunday, 10 May 2020


Mandukasana (Frog Posture)

Manduka, a Sanskrit word means 'frog'. In this asana, the final posture
resembles the shape of a frog. Hence, it is named Mandukasana.
Let us perform Mandukasana by following the steps given below:
1. Sit in Vajrasana.
2. Make the fists with thumbs inside and put them near navel and
press the navel area.
3. Exhale slowly, lean forward from the waist, lower the chest, so
that it rests on the thighs.
4. Keep the head and neck raised and gaze in front.
5. Maintain the position comfortably for 5-10 seconds.
6. To release the posture, come back to the sitting position by
raising the trunk; remove your fists from the navel area and sit in
Remember the following points:
• Keep the head and neck raised
in final position.
• Look in the front.
• Put pressure on the navel
• Do not lean beyond the
• Do not jerk the body while leaning
• This asana is beneficial for the people having heavy bellies, thighs
or hips.
• It eliminates gases from the abdomen.
• It benefits people suffering from constipation, diabetes and
digestive disorders.
• Person with slipped disc, lumber spondylitis or any other major
disease of the spine should not practise this asana.
Importance of Yoga
Good Health is the right of every human being. But this right depends
on individual, social and environmental factors. Along with social
or environmental factors to a large extent, we can develop a better
immune system and a better perception of oneself so that other
conditions do not affect us adversely and we can achieve good health.
Health is a positive concept. Positive health does not mean merely
freedom from disease, but, it also include a jubilant and energetic feeling of
well-being with an amount of general resistance and capacity to easily
cultivate immunity against specific offending agents.
There are many modern and indigenous methods and disciplines
that can help us to successfully fight with diseases. For example,
the system of yoga, naturopathy, ayurveda, unani, homeopathy and
siddha can be quoted among indigenous systems, whereas allopathic
system is quoted as the modern and popular medical system. Yoga is
one of the most powerful drugless system of treatment. It is having its
own concept of wellness which has been scientifically understood and
presented by many. Yoga can be adopted as lifestyle for promoting
our physical and mental health.

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