Simhasana (Lion Posture)
In Sanskrit Simha means 'lion'. In this asana, the face with
open mouth and tongue stretched out towards the chin resembles the
fierce look of a lion, hence, it is called Simhasana.
Let us perform Simhasana by following the steps given below:
1. Sit in Vajrasana with palms on the respective knees.
2. Keep the knees apart.
3. Place both the heels upwards under perineum.
4. Place both the palms on the respective knees widely
out the fingers.
5. Lean forward and place the palms on the floor between the knees.
6. Open the mouth and stretch out the tongue as much as
and gaze at bhrumadhya (centre of eyebrows).
7. Release the bhrumadhya dristi and relax your eyes.
8. Come to Vajrasana by placing the palms on the respective
and relax.
Remember the following points:
• The knee should rest on the ground.
• Sit on the heels.
• The buttocks are to be lifted up.
• The fingers should be spread out in imitation of the lion’s paws.
• Do not protrude the tongue beyond the capacity.
• It is beneficial for the muscles of the face and neck.
• The tongue becomes more elastic and healthier.
• Salivary glands become strong.
• It regulates functioning of thyroid.
• It helps in reducing dullness and depression and improves
of speech.
• Do not practice if suffering from backache, arthritis of
hip and
knee, throat problems and pain in jaws.
Importance of Yoga
Good Health is the right of every human being. But this right
on individual, social and environmental factors. Along with
or environmental factors to a large extent, we can develop a
immune system and a better perception of oneself so that
conditions do not affect us adversely and we can achieve good
Health is a positive concept. Positive health does not mean
freedom from disease, but, it also include a jubilant and
energetic feeling of
well-being with an amount of general resistance and capacity
to easily
cultivate immunity against specific offending agents.
There are many modern and indigenous methods and disciplines
that can help us to successfully fight with diseases. For
the system of yoga, naturopathy, ayurveda, unani, homeopathy and
siddha can be quoted among indigenous systems, whereas
system is quoted as the modern and popular medical system.
Yoga is
one of the most powerful drugless system of treatment. It is
having its
own concept of wellness which has been scientifically
understood and
presented by many. Yoga can be adopted as lifestyle for
our physical and mental health.
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